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ICS wins Silver in Singapore Education Awards

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banner displaying Silver Winner in SEA, for "School Where Everybody Knows Your Name"

On October 5, 2021, the winners of the inaugural Singapore Education Awards, hosted by HoneyKids Asia, were announced. International Community School (Singapore) won Silver in the category, "School Where Everybody Knows Your Name":

"This is a school where everyone feels welcomed and supported. Its warm, nurturing community brings out the best in its students—which you can see in all their smiling faces! This is one school that kids are genuinely proud to be part of, where the teaching staff know every child by name."

Alongside ICS, forty-six other international schools in Singapore participated in this awards series. The entire process of nominating, voting, and judging for all twenty-three categories (ICS was nominated for both the "School Where Everybody Knows Your Name" and "Best Small School" categories) took place over the course of three months, during which a panel of four industry experts assessed the quality of submissionsshort defending essays of 300 words presented by each competing school for their nomination.

This first iteration of the Singapore Education Awards comes at a crucial juncture in the increasingly densely populated arena of international education in Singapore. As of 2021, there are 63 international schools on the island, with more schools being founded with each passing year. As such, the need to "[celebrate] the outstanding achievements, efforts and contributions of Singapore’s best international schools" is higher than ever.

SEA Certificate of Excellence, presented to ICS for winning Silver
  • 2021
  • honeykids asia
  • news
  • school where everybody knows your name
  • silver winner
  • singapore education awards