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The uKnighted Fund 2022-2023







Our theme for the year is "On the Journey," based on Ephesians 2:10 where we are encouraged to be God’s workmanship by doing good works. We are excited to embark on this year with you, and our good works start with a philanthropic commitment to the school. We are asking you to join our School Board and Administration (who have both reached 100% participation) and our Faculty and Staff.

Why give? 

This year, the Annual Giving dollars raised will directly impact students. We are fortunate to offer scholarships to missionaries, non-profit organizations, or families who otherwise couldn’t afford to send their children to ICS. Our contributions will directly impact each of these students entrusted to our care. We ask you to prayerfully consider how you can financially support ICS this school year.

A commitment can be in the form of a pledge, or a one-time or recurring gift, whichever suits your family best.

Who Can Participate? 

100% of our ICS School board members have gifted the fund. 86% of our ICS Team (faculty & staff) have gifted the fund. The most important thing is your YES to ICS by participating. We would love to reach 100% parent participation









Where Are We Now?

To date, we reached our goal and raised over S$201,000. Thank you for your support!


Who Will Benefit?

  • This year alone, ICS has given away S$1.4M in financial aid to missionary families and families who have declared hardship due to the pandemic after effects.
  • ICS has been providing scholarships for the last 29 years.  This means on average, ICS supports over 60 families or 80 students annually.
  • Over 1000 families and 2000 children have been given the opportunity to receive a quality Christian education while their parents are working across Asia to spread the Gospel.
  • This financial assistance allows missionaries, NGOs, or families in need to receive a Christian Education.

How to give?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who to Contact?